Love, the word has got so many meaning,understanding and thoughts. But what love is can be judged by a few. What is true love is even more hard to understand and infer. Mostly Love is always taken as between two person either ur girlfriend or ur wife and most funny of all The Love at first sight. But Love is still more diverse, Complicated and unbounding. True love is really a mixture of Sympathy,care, belief,forgiveness and power to bear the pain. Its really tough to find a true love, but still life goes on, whether we loves some on or just showing an impression that we love. The true love is something which in unending and passionate. The love of a mother for her baby, love for ur family and moreover love towards yourself are some unending love existing in the world. But still many say everyday "I Love You". In the same comic sense of everyday love, check out these pic:
Mumbai will get a new landmark with the completion of the work on the 5.8 km longBandra-Worli Sea Link project. The project is a 8-lane, cable-stayed bridge with pre-stressed concrete viaduct approaches, which will link Bandra and the western suburbs of Mumbai with Worli and central Mumbai. The Rs 1306 crore project of Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) is being executed by Hindustan Construction Company (HCC) and is likely to be completed by January 2009. The Maharashtra government has announced the extension of the sea link by another 3.6 km up to Haji Ali at an additional cost of Rs 1,200 crore.
Far-reaching impact
Bandra-Worli Sea Link Project has the potential to bring about permanent and far-reaching changes in the travel patterns of the area. The link will provide a fast moving outlet from South Mumbai to the suburbs in the west. This link will also help in reducing the present congestion on the Mahim Causeway (which is the only link available at present between western suburbs and south Mumbai) and Western Express Highway .
Better connectivity Better connectivity
The sealink is the first phase of the Western FreeWay Sealink proposed to be built to improve the connectivity between the island city of Mumbai and its western suburbs. This link will be followed by a link from Worli to Nariman Point with dispersal to Cuffe Parade. The Sealink will also be supported by a series of flyovers, rail link, roadways and other public facilities. Challenging task Challenging task
The project envisages construction of 8 lane Sea link freeway from the interchange of Mahim intersection at the Bandra end to Worli Sea face on Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Road . The Construction of the sea link project is divided into four packages namely Package I,Package II, Package III and Package IV. The Package IV executed by HCC forms the main and the most technically challenging construction package of this project. Salient features Salient features
Bandra-Worli Sea Link project has 9 approach bridge modules and two cable stayed bridges. Each approach bridge module comprises two independent carriageways. The deck of the carriageways consists of triple cell precast box girders supported on piers founded on independent substructure. The cable stayed main bridge has two similar precast triple cell boxes. New-age building technology New-age building technology
The Bandra Worli Sealink is the first of its kind in a number of ways. A number of unique equipment are being used in this project. The unique distinguishing feature of this project is deployment of Asian Hercules, one of the biggest floating sheerleg cranes in the world, for shifting of 1200 MT Launching Girders in sea and specially manufactured equipment for erection of cable stay bridge segments. 1.40 lakh cars a day 1.40 lakh cars a day
The eight-lane flyover will have capacity of carrying about 1.40 lakh cars per day. Large multi-axel vehicles and two-wheelers would not be allowed on the sea link. Speed limit would have to be maintained at 100 km/hr. As the project is being implemented on BOT basis, there would be a minimum toll of Rs 30 per vehicle.
Did You Know?
Length of the steel wires used is equal to the circumference of the earth.Weight of the Sealink Bridge is equivalent to the weight of 50,000 African elephantsHeight of the cable-stay towers equals that of a 43 storied building and the length of the Sealink Bridge is 63 times the height of the Qutub Minar.
Many `firsts' to its credit Many `firsts' to its credit
The Bandra Worly sea link project has certain unique features. These include:--An 8-lane bridge with 2 lanes dedicated for buses.--Unique bridge design for the Link Bridge to emerge as a land mark structure in the city.--Single tower supported 500 metre long cable-stayed bridge at Bandra Channel and twin tower supported 350 m cable-stayed bridge at Worli Channel for each carriageway.--Modern toll plaza of 16 lanes with automated toll collection system.--An intelligent bridge with state-of-art systems for traffic monitoring, surveillance, information and guidance, instrumentation, emergency support, etc.--Development of promenade and landscaping to enhance the environment.
Stress-free driving Stress-free driving
Several benefits will accrue from the project. They include:--Estimated savings in Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC): Rs. 100 Crores per annum.--Considerable savings in travel time (20 to 30 minutes) due to increased speed and reduced delays (23 signals avoided)--Stress-free driving.--Reduced accidents.--Reduction in traffic on existing roads because of traffic diversion to the Sea Link. --Reduction in Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Oxide Levels in Mahim, Dadar, Prabhadevi and Worli along existing roads.--Reduced noise pollution in Mahim, Dadar, Prabhadevi and Worli along existing roads.--No adverse effect on fisheries, marine life and livelihood of fisherman.--Landscaping along the approaches and waterfront promenade will enhance the environment and add green spots to the city. Another feather on HCC cap Another feather on HCC cap
HCC has been executing some of the most exciting and challenging projectsin Indian history. The major engineering landmarks include the world’s longest barrage at Farakka in West Bengal, India’s first underground metro at Kolkata and the second one in New Delhi, the Mumbai-Pune Expressway–India’s first six-lane expressway-the unique double curvature arch dam at Idukki in Kerala and one of Asia’s largest breakwaters at Ennore Port in Tamil Nadu. One ambitious project under way is the Nimoo Bazgo Hydroelectric Project in Leh Ladakh at an altitude of 11,000 feet in Jammu and Kashmir . Source: India Syndicate Image courtesy: Hindustan Construction Company Ltd
What happened today in the LOK SABHA is something which demystify the real face of our white collared MP. This was a true political gimmick which maligned the history of parliament. Whosoever responsible for this open nude dance of money really showed our MP's status and their respect for the decorum and honour of parliament. I'm really horrified by this act.
Here are some very good tips on improving your vehicle's Fuel Economy/ Increase Fuel Efficiency / Mileage. With increasing fuel prices it is becoming more and more prudent to use them.
Use your gears wisely. Driving in the highest gear possible without laboring the engine is a fuel-efficient way of driving. A vehicle traveling at 60kmph in third gear uses 25 percent more fuel than at the same speed in fifth gear
Drive smoothly Think ahead! By applying light throttle and avoiding heavy braking, you can reduce both fuel consumption and wear and tear. Try to predict traffic at junctions and when in queuing to avoid accelerating and then braking. Research suggests driving techniques can influence car fuel efficiency by as much as 30 percent.
Switch off your engine There are two schools of thought on this one. Switching your engine off for short periods of time can actually increase fuel consumption, as it requires more fuel to get the engine started. Also your catalytic converter will no longer be running at full temperature and so your car will be less efficient, increasing the amount of pollution you cause. However if you are stopped for more than a few minutes then your car will simply burn less fuel with the engine stopped.
Drive off promptly to prevent wasting fuel Don't leave your engine running when you first start up. Drive off straight rive gently until the engine has reached its normal operating temperature. This doesn't increase fuel efficiency as such, but it does mean your engine is switched on for less time.
Lighten your load Think carefully about what you need on a journey. if you do not need something, do not pack it. Remove roof racks if not needed. The lighter the load, the lower the fuel consumption, and emissions, and the higher the fuel efficiency.
Tyres effect fuel efficiency It is estimated that about 50% of tyres on the road are under inflated. Aside from increasing the rate of wear, this wastes fuel and decreased your fuel efficiency. Check your tyre pressures every fortnight. Worn tyres will also decrease fuel efficiency (and your safety!), so check the tread regularly. If you are replacing tyres then consider some of the newer 'Eco' tyres that are designed specifically to increase fuel efficiency.
Car Windows Driving with your windows open drastically reduces your fuel efficiency, far more so than putting the air conditioning on when motorway driving. So in those hot summers(?) preferably keep the windows shut, and the air conditioning on if you want to keep cool. Of course the air conditioning decreases fuel efficiency too, so try not to over use it.
Invest in a new fuel efficient car New cars come in all shapes and sizes, but it is possible to pick a new car that can greatly reduce your fuel bill, and your fuel emissions.
Size matters. Choose an economical car - small cars use far more fuel efficient and produce lower emissions than large cars.
Drive the most fuel-efficient car that meets your needs. Compare models and classes. Even similarly sized cars can vary in fuel efficiency by up to 45%.
Consider diesel engines (with a particulate trap), and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) fuelled cars - all have lower CO2 emissions than standard petrol cars.
Consider 'hybrid' vehicles - they combine a conventional engine with an electric motor and battery. These offer reduced fuel consumption and CO2 with potentially lower emissions of all pollutants.
Diesel Engines If your going to buy a diesel, ensure it is a new 'common rail' type, as these are approximately 10% more efficient than older diesels. also replace (or clean if applicable) air cleaner elements as often as is required by your vehicles servicing schedule.
Regluar Maintenance maintains fuel efficiency
Air Filter: One of the most common reasons for a drop in fuel efficiency is a dirty intake filter. This will decrease the amount of air entering the cylinders of the engine resulting in incomplete combustion. Check the filter regularly to ensure that it is clean.
Spark Plugs Ensure your spark plugs are in good condition. Renew the plugs and wires at intervals specified by the owners manual. This will keep all cylinders firing properly resulting in higher efficiency.
Lube Oil: Change the lube oil at intervals specified by the owners manual. Use the recommended oil only especially in newer cars. Use of an engine flush before changing the oil will help to get rid of a lot of the dirt that collects in the engine that a normal oil change will not remove. On older engines it is advisable to use an oil treatment agent. This basically thickens the oil which creates a better seal between the piston and the liner, preventing blow past and consequent loss of combustion pressure, resulting in higher fuel efficiency.
Exhausts alter fuel efficiency Most cars have special sizes for the exhaust. When cars are reasonably old the silences has to be changed. The garage people always try to fit a size that they have in the garage it self. Which might not be the exact size recommended for the car. The wrong size a bigger or smaller silencer size effects on the MPG of the car and the HP of the car. It may be cheaper to put another size than your recommended size for your car but on the long run it will cost you in many ways, especially on fuel consumption. Always put the recommended size of the exhaust that is indicated in your car manual because the car company knows how to optimize the performance of your car.
Here are a few more tips: 1. Drive When You Crank Up 2. Don't Ride the Break 3. Turn Off Your Car If you are going to be stopping for more than 10 minutes 4. Don't Turn Off Your Car If you are only stopping for a brief moment or less than 5 minutes 5. Inflate Tires Properly
Vivekananda explains the gist of Hinduism by quoting a sloka from "Baghavad Gita". In fact that also explains the concept of Universal acceptance of all religion. From an audio release, about the Life and Works of Swami Vivekananda. Though it is not the actual voice of Vivekananda, we can feel the power of his thoughts on Hinduism, and his respect for other religions.
There is always a need to know which website to surf for a particular query, and mostly we try and end up with 1000's of list but mostly don't get what we wanted to know. This time I'm posting all the important websites useful for everyday life, which includes:
If the direct link does not work then please copy the link and paste it into ur browser, where "http://www." is written. I hope u'll find these website very useful.
This is really a great info about a common mistake we do. Whenever we purchase a Mineral water we are in habit of keeping the bottles for future re-use, which can be hazardous and let u to hospital. Read the following printed on the bottle, to know more.
* The World's first university was established in Takshila in 700BC.
* More than 10,500 students from all over the world studies more than 60 subjects.The University of Nalanda in Bihar built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education. * Sanskritis the mother of all the European languages. Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software - a report inForbes magazine, July 1987.
* Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka , the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in our civilization.
* Although modern images of India often show poverty and lack of development, India was the richest country on earth until the time of British invasion in the early 17th Century.
* The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh 6000 years ago. The very word Navigation is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.The word navy is also derived from Sanskrit 'Nou'.
* Bhaskaracharya born in the obscure village of Vijjadit (Jalgaon) in Maharastra, calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th century)365. 258756484 days.
* The value of "pi" or "Ï€"was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians.
* Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 1053 (10 to the power of (53) with specific names as early as 5000 BCE during the Vedic period. Even today, the largest used number is Tera 1012(10 to the power of 12).
* USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century old suspicion in the world scientific community that the pioneer of wireless communication was Prof. Jagdeesh Boseand not Marconi.
* The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.
* According to Saka King Rudradaman I of 150 CE a beautiful lake called 'Sudarshana' was constructed on the hills of Raivataka during Chandragupta Maurya's time.
· Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was invented in India.
· Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like cesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery and brain surgery. Usage of anesthesia was well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipment were used. Deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, etiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts.
· When many cultures were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu valley (Indus Valley Civilization)
· The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.
· Albert Einstein said: We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
· Mark Twain said: India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most structive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.
· French scholar Romain Rolland said: If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India. · Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA said: India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border. All the above is just the TIP of the iceberg, the list could be endless. BUT, if we don't see even a glimpse of that great India in the India that we see today, it clearly means that we are not working up to our potential and that if we do, we could once again be an ever shining and inspiring country setting a bright path for rest of the world to follow.
* 38% of Doctors in America are Indians. * 12% of Scientists in America are Indians. * 36% of NASA employees are Indians. * 34% of MICROSOFT employees are Indians * 28% of IBM employees are Indians * 17% of INTEL employees are Indians * 13% of XEROX employees are Indians
These are the real names of our favorite actors and actress of bollywood. Its always fun to know the original names of our famous hero. What made them change their names, i don't know but always heard that, it happens to be famous and sometimes to fit into the glamor world of films and showbiz. Whatever it may be, the following names can be found to be interesting, a true collection for bollywood freaks.
It was a great evening, Rock Concert, Fashion Show Mark The Event and showe how big it is going to be.
With about a 100 days left for the Commonwealth Youth Games (CYG) to start, a spectacular cultural evening was held at the Corinthian Club,PUNE to launch the merchandise and uniforms for the 3,500 volunteers, technical team, and the youth baton relay, on 4th july.
The evening kicked off with a fusion performance by the ‘Jalebee Cartel’ accompanied by 100 dhol players, followed by a welcome address by Suresh Kalmadi , MP and Chairman of the organising committee, CYG. Also present were Michael Fennell, president of Commonwealth Games Federation, Mike Hooper, CEO Commonwealth Games Federation, among other dignitaries.
Fennell and Kalmadi launched the merchandise. This was followed by a fashion show demonstrating the entire range of uniforms, designed by Nivedita Saboo for the volunteers, technical officials, youth baton relay and the organizing committee.
Musician Raghav Sachar sang one of his Bollywood numbers from the movie ‘One Two Three’. He also played a saxophone, one of the 24 instruments he can play.
Merchandise designed by the Professional Sports Services was sported by children who have gained national and international reputation in various events. The grand finale of the show saw Kalmadi and former Miss India Amrita Thapar walk the ramp along with Jigrr, the official mascot. Top models like Gauhar Khan, Mugda Godse, Viraf Patel, Priyanka Shah followed them.
A brilliant laser show told the story of the Youth Baton Relay. The true spirit of CYG Pune 2008 was depicted by the children of Delhi Public School carrying the flags of all 71 participating nations. Event theme song, penned by Javed Akhtar and sung by Shankar Mahadevan, was also sung.
Jigrr, the CYG mascot flanked by Michael Fennell, president of Commonwealth Games Federation (left) and Suresh Kalmadi, chief organiser of the event.
A 23-Day Trans-Asia Train Trip From Dhaka To UK Via India
In what would be perhaps the world's greatest railway journey, a new rail link, to be opened later this year, will enable one to undertake a 23-day journey by train from London to Dhaka via New Delhi .
The Trans-Asia railway network stretching over 11,265 km will follow one of the old Silk Roads through Istanbul, Tehran, Lahore and Delhi. The journey, already being described as the greatest by train enthusiasts, will be longer than the Trans-Siberian railway, which spans 9,289 km, reported The Sunday Times. India has earmarked £90 million to extend its vast rail network towards its border with Myanmar . From there just over 350 km of missing track stands in the way of an overland rail journey from London to Singapore .
Under a UN-sponsored scheme, Pakistan and Iran will link their lines in the coming months to join the sub-continent' s track to that of Europe for the first time. The UN said the link would open up new trade routes within Asia and give the former Soviet republics of Central Asia rail access to Iran 's strategic seaport at Bandar Abbas on the Gulf.
The route was extended when the Kolkata to Dhaka line reopened earlier this month, more than 40 years after it was blocked during the Indo-Pakistan war of 1965.
Last week, senior Indian officials met their Iranian counterparts in Tehran to discuss the progress so far made in the rail network. The prospect has caused excitement among Britain 's rail enthusiasts. Mark Smith, whose website promotes rail adventures around the world, was planning his first London to Dhaka itinerary.. His trip incorporates the Eurostar to Brussels , breakfast in Vienna and onward trains to Istanbul , where travellers must take the ferry across the Bosporus linking Europe with Asia . The ferry will eventually be replaced by an underground tunnel, but for now passengers will be able to enjoy views of the Aya Sofya and Topkapi Palace .
China, a big supporter of the project, is spending billions on extending rail lines to its Myanmar border. Trans-Asia railway sources said the only barrier to connecting London to Yunnan province and Singapore was Myanmar's military regime, whose poor human rights record means no foreign funding is available.
Heart attack can be really frightening, many times it goes away with life and some times may give u a light shock to warn u that ur diet and physical activities are not going well and moreover u r weak at heart. Recently I've lost a very dear aunt in my neighborhood. She was suffering from Diabetes and blood pressure, though she took precautions but what happened that night, is really frightening. She was not more than 50, and we lost her. It really hurts u when any one good in health and good few hrs before dies in front of u because of a heart attack, wherein u'r helpless. So plz follow the following points to maintain ur health and prevent Heart attack. If u don't care for urself then please care for all the near and dear near u, who will miss u a lot and can not erase ur memories from their thoughts and will go on blaming themself ,"why they do not stop u from going away?".
Heart Attack in women
Please follow the following simple habbits:
1. Heart attack and strokes are major killers in all parts of the world. But they can often be prevented
2 You can project yourself from heart attacks and strokes by investing a little time and effort
3 Tobacco use and unhealthy diet and physical inactivity increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes
4 Stopping tobacco use reduces the chance of a heart attack or stroke from the moment you stop
5 Engaging in physical activity for a least 30 minutes on most days of the week will help to keep away heart attacks and strokes Symptoms of Heart attack
6 Eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day and limiting your salt intake to less than one teaspoon a day can help to prevent heart attacks and strokes
7 High blood pressure has no symptoms but can cause a sudden stroke or heart attack. Have your blood pressure checked regularly.
8 Diabetes increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes if you have diabetes control your blood pressure and blood sugar to minimize your risk.
9 Being overweight increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. To maintain an ideal body weight takes regular physical activity to eat and healthy diet.
10 heart attacks and strokes can strike suddenly and can be fatal if assistance is not sought immediately. Causes of Heart attack
Understanding heart attacks and strokes
Every year about 12 million people throughout the world die of a heart attack or a stroke. These diseases affect the poor as well as the rich .Most people think that they are disease of middle-aged men .The truth is that both men and women suffer from heart attacks and strokes . Women are much more at risk after menopause. The good news is that you can take steps to help prevent heart attacks and strokes. ALONG WITH YOUR DAILY FOOD, BEFORE HALF AN HOUR CONSUME "GANODERMA" FOOD SUPPLEMENT CAPSULES WHICH HAS NO SIDE EFFECT - CAN CONSUME ALONG WITH YOUR PILLS YOU ARE ALREADY TAKING -WILL HELP YOU IN PREVENTING HEART DISEASES AND KEEP YOU HEALTHY! YOU CAN ALSO PREVENT DIABETES - LOOSE WEIGHT !!!
Have a Healthy and Wealthy Days!!!!
To know More about the causes and prevention of Heart attack visit:
I do not write about politics or anything related to it. Even i never give a damn to all the political gimmicks our ministers play and make mockery of our Constitution and our beliefs and faith. But when due to their selfishness and to preserve their vote bank, hit the normal life and routine of Indian citizens then i can not stop myself from writing this.
The general peace loving people never demand of any thing other than peace and comfort of life.
But when Bandh or Hartal and sometimes riots are called then it severely disrupts the normal life. Many people who don't even know the cause of the bandh called and even not interested were troubled a lot by these bandh. After every one week we came to hear this party is called an all India bandh or that party is calling the same, not for the matters of making India proud or for the right causes such as against reservation , lack of electricity, water and necessary amenities of life, but they will call for those matters which we really do not need at all.
How much India got affected can be judged by the following news links:
Everyone think that all this will continue and cannot be checked, but yes this can be checked if we common people came into the play and take the charge of governing India by pride, self-respect and honour.
The day is not far when we will be at the apex, bu our own deeds and not depending upon these money and power hounding ministers. This i've written b'coz of an article written by Mr. DhananjayMahapatra in today's Times Of India, named ‘Anyone can hold this country to ransom today’ at page 8, it really moved me. Thanks Dhananjay to write such an interesting and eye-opening article.
It goes like this: Anyone can hold this country to ransom today
New Delhi: As violence and protests brought normal life to a standstill in different parts of the country due to the VHP’s bandh call, the Supreme Court on Thursday slammed the state governments for their inaction. It said the governments were holding back in the fear of antagonising potential vote banks in an election year even if these groups breached law and order, putting lakhs of common people to inconvenience. And when the courts step in to give people relief, the executive cries “judicial overreach”, the judges said. What started as a critical comment on a local issue — frequent blockades of National Highway 31A, the sole link between Sikkim and the rest of India, by pro- and anti-Gorkhaland agitationists — soon developed into a torrent of criticism from the apex court. While directing the governments of West Bengal and Sikkim, the Centre and the Gorkhaland agitationists to keep NH-31A open to traffic round the year, the court counted the incidents — regional jingoism in Maharashtra, uprooting of rail tracks and blockade of highways during the Gujjar agitation, blockade of NH-31A and the recent Hyderabad bandh— and said governments have not acted sternly against those who throw normal life out of gear.
“Anyone can hold this country to ransom today. Somewhere the roads are blocked, at other places rail tracks are uprooted and in some other place there is a bandh because of which even supply of medicines are stopped. And the governments do not act because somebody tells them it is election year,” a bench comprising Justices Altamas Kabir and G.S. Singhvi said.
“The entire country is going to be ruined,” the court lamented while continuing its sniping at the governments’ unexplained reluctance to act sternly against those who disrupt normal life. Those who were required to act in accordance with the mandate of the Constitution were parties to all these disruptions, the court said, adding: “Rajasthan faced the music for 45 days.Those who have muscle power can hold everyone to ransom. Whether lakhs of commoners suffer is of least concern to the authorities. It takes just 15 students in a university to bring the entire institution to a stand still. During the Hyderabad bandh, seven persons lost their lives because all supplies, including food and medicines, were hit,” it said.
“The executive does not do anything. Everyone waits for the courts to pass an order. The administration is shoving everything to the court. When the court passes some order, they wriggle out saying they did not do anything, it was the courts. And a little later, they cry wolf saying the orders were examples of judicial overreach... the courts were stepping on their toes. This is not fair,” the bench said. “Take for example the Maharashtra incidents. Somebody says something and the entire state burns. The government declares that ‘we will take stern action’. These statements are made to fool the people of this country,” it said.
On the issue of the blockade of NH-31A, Sikkim government counsel A. Mariarputham demanded that the Centre and West Bengal should ensure free flow of traffic and goods on the national highway as the blockade has severely affected normal life in the state.
The bench directed the states, the Centre and the five groups connected with Gorkhaland agitation — Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, Sikkim-Darjeeling Joint Action Forum, Amra Bangali, Jan Jagran Manch and Jan Chetna Manch — to ensure that NH-31A is not blocked at any cost.