09 March 2011

Eat to lose weight , the best way to loose weight without any food dieting

Getting rid of unwanted extra pounds is never easy but many of us make is harder than it really is. Skipping meals and drastically cutting calories will yield temporary results but you can achieve long term weight loss if you choose a slower approach. Basically, you need to eat to lose weight.

I know you're probably thinking that eating is what added the extra pounds in the first place. However, the kinds of foods along with a lack of exercise are more of a source of trouble than the actual act of eating. When you eat to lose weight you will find that you can take in more food and feel satisfied throughout the day.

So how do you eat to lose weight? The first thing you want to do is slow down. You are more likely to overeat if you scarf your meals down too quickly. You have to give your stomach enough time to tell your brain that it is full. I know it sounds silly but it does take time to process this information.

Choose whole foods. When you eat to lose weight, you are best off picking foods that are not processed. The more stuff that is done to the food, the more fattening it is likely to be. Natural foods are best and they
take a little longer to eat. Raw veggies and fruits have to be chewed well and this takes more time than ingesting a piece of cheesecake.

You should not only eat to lose weight but drink to drop pounds as well. You have probably heard about the eight glasses of water each day so I won't lecture. Drinking a nice, hot cup of tea can be as satisfying as a couple of cookies but it won't add the pounds.

It is important to remember that many beverages can work against your weight loss efforts. If you eat to lose weight but drink as if you don't have a care in the world, you probably won't see very good results. Instead of drinking a glass of apple juice, just drink the apple. The sugar content in the juice is really concentrated and it's almost like eating three or four apples.

In order to curb your appetite you might want to consider eating a handful of almonds about 20 minutes before your next meal. This is a great way to eat to lose weight because your brain is being told that you are receiving nutrients. Remember that you need to nourish your body in order to keep the pounds at bay.
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